There are multiple ways to ensure your listing(s) receive the most publicity possible:
- The first step is to make sure your Vinty profile is fully filled out with proper spelling, grammar and punctuation in mind.
- After that, the most important step is to include great photos of your cherished car. They are your salesman of the year! Photos of the exterior from multiple angles along with photos of the interior will perk interest. Make sure you have at least 5 to 10 great pictures of your car with an uncrowded background. Cars with inspiring, well-composed shots have up to 50% more traffic than the ones with mediocre shots.
- Finally, a written description of the vehicle presented in the listing will give renters a better understanding of your car and why they should rent it.
- To gain more interest, you should also share your vehicle listing link(s) on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or even your own website. The more you advertise, the more your car will be seen!